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Chambers Global Legal Guide 2023

Compartimos con uds. los resultados de nuestra firma en Chambers Global Legal Guide 2023:


Banda 2

Profesionales reconocidos:

Miguel Alejandro Máximo Tesón continues to garner praise from interviewees for his technical and commercial skills in this field. One interviewee notes: «He has outstanding business acumen and very strong client service.»

He comes highly recommended by interviewees, with one reporting: «Guillermo Lalanne has an outstanding provincial tax knowledge.» Another respondent adds: «He is a very good and highly technical lawyer with a strong academic profile.»

Well-regarded partner Valeria Estathio continues to receive strong recognition from interviewees, with one noting: «She has a broad knowledge of corporate income tax matters.» Another impressed observer adds: «Valeria Estathio handles highly complex tax planning mandates.»

Dynamic partner ascends into the numbered bands for the first time this year after eliciting ample praise from interviewees, with one stating: «She is an excellent lawyer who has a strong practice in the contentious tax arena.» Another respondent adds: «María Celina Valls is a very reliable professional.»


Banda 4

Profesional Reconocido:

Sebastián Luegmayer – Banda 4

Sebastián Luegmayer is well versed in handling financial derivatives transactions. An impressed respondent states: «To my mind, he is one of the few lawyers in Argentina with a broad knowledge of the legislation dealing with derivatives.» Another impressed observer adds: «Sebastián Luegmayer provides an excellent service and is an expert in this area.»



Banda 4


Banda 4