enes +5411 4346-1000

The Ministry of Justice of Argentina created a Commission for the Integral Reform of the Corporate Legal Regime. The objective is to analyze and propose reforms to the General Companies Law No. 19,550 and to the Entrepreneurial Capital Support Law No. 27,349, in the part corresponding to the Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS). It will have a term of 6 months to complete the task entrusted to it.

Access the complete text of the Resolution here

This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, specialized legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Ernesto José Genco   –  GencoE@eof.com.ar

Marcela Lorenzo Villalba – LorenzoM@eof.com.ar

Uriel O’Farrell Ofarrellu@eof.com.ar

Sebastian Luegmayer – LuegmayerS@eof.com.ar