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Legal Alerts

Satellite Services: Important Changes in its Regulatory Framework.

By means of the decree of necessity and urgency 70/2023, the Executive Power amended Law No. 27,078 (Argentina Digital Law)...

Decree No. 70/23 Contains Provisions that Tend to Deregulate the Economy.

Decree No. 70/23 makes multiple regulatory repeals that tend to deregulate the economy. In this newsletter we focus on describing...

Decree of Necessity and Urgency of Deregulation: Measures in Health Matters.

The long-awaited package of deregulation measures, implemented through the tool of Decree of Necessity and Urgency No. 70/23 (hereinafter “Decree...

Decree No. 70/23 Makes Changes in State-Owned Companies.

Through Decree 70/2023 “BASIS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ARGENTINE ECONOMY,” the transformation of State-owned enterprises into Joint Stock Companies...

Telecommunications: elimination of the restrictions on the acquisition of licenses

By means of the decree of necessity and urgency 70/2023, the Executive Power amended Law No. 26,522 (The Audiovisual Communication...

Decree No. 70/23 Makes Changes in the Energy Sector

Through Decree 70/2023 “BASIS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ARGENTINE ECONOMY,” several regulatory norms in the field of energy are...

The DNU 70/23 makes important modifications to the legislation applicable to the rendering of services, goods, and work, tending to its deregulation

On December 21, 2023, Decree 70/2023 called “BASES FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE ARGENTINE ECONOMY” was published in the Official...

The National Antitrust Commission Published a Document Reflecting on the Notion of Control and its Interpretation in Competition Law.

On December 4, 2023, a paper on the notion of control and its interpretation in competition law was published on...

Income tax and personal property tax: reduction of perceptions on transactions in foreign currencies

By means of RG 5463, the National Tax Authorities reduced the amount of income tax and personal property tax applicable...

PAIS tax: new rates for imports and perceptions

By means of Decree 29/2023, the National Government modified the PAÍS tax rates applicable to the purchase of banknotes and...
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