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Update of the Value of the Mobile Unit that Determines the Obligation to Notify Economic Concentrations and the Result from the Application of the Antitrust Law.

On January 23, 2024, Resolution 48/2024 (hereinafter, the “Resolution”) of the Secretary of Commerce was published in the Official Gazette in order to update the Value of the Mobile Unit.

The aforementioned Mobile Unit is used to define a series of values stipulated in Law No. 27,442. It arises from the same law that the value of the mobile unit will be updated annually on the last business day of each year using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos).

Resolution No. 63/23 of the Secretariat of Commerce states that the value of the mobile unit shall be equal to Ps. 506.19. This value started to be effective the day after its publication in the Official Gazette and will be valid until the value for the current year is updated.

The Resolution orders the publication of the updated value in the websites of the Secretary of Commerce of the Ministry of Economy and of the National Commission for the Defense of Competition.

Access the complete text of the Resolution here

This publication does not constitute a legal opinion on specific issues. If necessary, specialized legal advice should be sought.

For further information, please contact:

Agustín Siboldi – SiboldiA@eof.com.ar

Jorge Muratorio – MuratorioJ@eof.com.ar

Valentina Rodriguez Sa  –  RodriguezSaV@eof.com.ar